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Doodling Your Way to That “A”

Posted by on 1:49 pm in Doodler, Wellness Warrior, Wise One | Comments Off on Doodling Your Way to That “A”

Doodling Your Way to That “A”

  Do you have notebooks, worksheets, planners filled with doodles? Ever thought about why you do this, or why when you are doodling you seem to be able to pay attention more? Well according to this article put together by Canva, there are countless reasons as to how doodling affects our brains about why it is actually good for us. We give the basics below, but for a more in-depth look at each reason, be sure to read what Canva has to say. Doodling stops your brain from slipping into a default state A default state is when we are...

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Creativity Is A Leadership Quality

Posted by on 8:32 pm in Doodler, Grid | Comments Off on Creativity Is A Leadership Quality

Creativity Is A Leadership Quality

Honesty Confidence Positivity Creativity Humility Creativity seems to always be included in the top ten leadership skills. This is just one reason you want to make time to get creative. Another, it is fun and reduces stress! And, if you doodle during class, it will help you pay attention to what is being shared. If you think you rank high on creativity, check out the riddle in this YouTube video that only 3% of people get correct. If you are having trouble figuring it out, try these tips: Don’t...

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