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Star Athlete

Go Team Unstoppable

Posted by on 9:44 pm in Grid, Star Athlete, Wellness Warrior, Wise One | Comments Off on Go Team Unstoppable

Go Team Unstoppable

The excitement of the crowd. The rush to the concession stands before the game starts. The nerves of the players. A whistle is blown that signifies the start of the game.     What’s with all the hype about sports? Why do so many athletes stick with it past high school, college, and beyond? There are so many benefits to playing sports, we’ve listed the biggest ones below.   Better Physical Health Playing sports is a great source of regular exercise. From basketball to swimming, you’ll be burning calories and might not even know...

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Running Or Walking Your Way To Happiness

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Running Or Walking Your Way To Happiness

We know that exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know it also help our minds? Scientists have found that regular exercise, one that really gets your heart pounding usually called cardio, has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem. About five minutes of cardio, we begin to stimulate anti-anxiety effects. But it can be hard to know where to start, and how to stay on track. Exercise for Stress and Anxiety put together some quick tips to help get you going....

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Get Motivated

Posted by on 1:09 am in Grid, Star Athlete | Comments Off on Get Motivated

Get Motivated

No doubt, exercise has multiple benefits so stop thinking about it and start doing it, at least something… The trick to get you motivated: Get a buddy and ask one another how much you plan to exercise during the week. In one study, college students exercised 138% more than in the previous week when asked. Here are the details:   Click Below to Enter to Win a...

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